Sunday, January 24, 2021

SKP: Sketch of the Past -- Bibliography



Woolf—A Sketch of the Past Biblio

Updated 1/9/21


Czarnecki, Kristin. “Heritage, Legacy, and the Life-Writing of Woolf and Rhys.”pp. 202-207 IN: De Gay, Jane(ed. and introd.); Breckin, Tom(ed. and introd.); Reus, Anne(ed. and introd.) Virginia Woolf and Heritage: Selected Papers from the Twenty-Sixth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press; 2017. OWN

Hagen, Benjamin D.  “Feeling Shadows: Virginia Woolf's Sensuous Pedagogy.”PMLA 132.2 (2017 Mar): 266-28. xerox

Lowe, Gill. “The Malicious Gene: An Evolutionary Games Strategy? Woolf's Hawkish Inheritance.”pp. 257-262 IN: De Gay, Jane(ed. and introd.); Breckin, Tom(ed. and introd.); Reus, Anne(ed. and introd.) Virginia Woolf and Heritage: Selected Papers from the Twenty-Sixth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press; 2017. Own

Marcus, Laura. “'Some Ancestral Dread': Woolf, Autobiography, and the Question of 'Shame'.” pp. 264-279 IN: De Gay, Jane(ed. and introd.); Breckin, Tom(ed. and introd.); Reus, Anne(ed. and introd.) Virginia Woolf and Heritage: Selected Papers from the Twenty-Sixth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press; 2017.  Own

Toth, Naomi.  “Remembering ‘moments of being’: Perception, language and memory in Virginia Woolf’s ‘A Sketch of the Past’.” 2017, Voyage vers la parole. L'enfance, le sens et l'acquisition du langage. Cycnos, n° spéciale.

Yoon, Irene. “Behind a Pane of Glass: Collective Memory in Woolf’s Interwar London.” Twentieth Century Literature. 2017 Mar; 63(1) 49-74.

Tipper, Becky. “Moments of Being and Ordinary Human-Animal Encounters.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany ; 2013 Fall; 84 14-16. xerox

Sullivan, Hannah. “Autobiography and the Problem of Finish.” Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly ; 2011 Spring; 34(2) 298-325.  Xeroxed relevant

Hagen, Benjamin D.. “'It Is Almost Impossible That I Should Be Here': Wordsworthian Nature and an Ethics of Self-Writing in Virginia Woolf's 'A Sketch of the Past'.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 2010 Fall-Winter; 78 13-15. OWN

Sim, Lorraine. Virginia Woolf: The Patterns of Ordinary Experience. Farnham, England: Ashgate Publishing Co.; 2010. See esp Chapter Five, “Moments of Being: Little Daily Miracles.”


Julia Briggs.  Virginia Woolf: An Inner Life.  London: Penguin [Allen Lane] 2005. OWN


Shih, Elizabeth A . “Editing the Palimpsestic Text: The Case of Virginia Woolf's 'A Sketch of the Past'.” pp. 132-40 IN: Kukil, Karen V. (ed. and introd.); Woolf in the Real World. Northampton, MA: Clemson University Digital; 2005. x, 221 pp. OWN.  


Johnston, Georgia  “Politics of Retrospective Space in Virginia Woolf's Memoir 'A Sketch of the Past'”; pp. 285-96 IN: Regard, Frédéric (ed. and introd.); Wall, Geoffrey (preface and epilogue); Mapping the Self: Space, Identity, Discourse in British Auto/Biography. Saint-Etienne, France: Université de Saint-Etienne; 2003. 398 pp. (book article) 


Zwerdling, Alex.  “Mastering the Memoir: Woolf and the Family Legacy.”  Modernism/Modernity 10.1 (2003): 165-88. xerox


Benstock, Shari.  “Authorizing the Autobiographical/” pp. 1138-54 IN: Warhol, Robyn R. (ed. and introd.); Herndl, Diane Price (ed. and introd.); Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP; 1997. xxi, 1207 pp. (book article) OWN


Pawlowski, Merry M.  “Public and Private Tyrannies: Virginia Woolf, Life-Writing, and the Feminist Revision of History.” pp. 257-78 IN: Coleman, Linda S. (ed.); Women's Life-Writing: Finding Voice/Building Community. Bowling Green, OH: Popular; 1997. 281 pp. (book article) xerox


Johnston, Georgia; “Virginia Woolf Revising Roger Fry into the Frames of 'A Sketch of the Past'.” Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, 1997 Summer; 20 (3): 284-301. (journal article)  xerox


Barbara Claire Freeman .  Moments of beating: addiction and inscription in Virginia Woolf's "A Sketch of the Past." Diacritics: 27.3 (Fall 1997): p65(12) XEROXED


Rosenberg, Beth Carole. “ How Should One Write a Memoir? Virginia Woolf's 'A Sketch of the Past';.” pp. 7-12 IN: Barrett, Eileen (ed.); Cramer, Patricia (ed.); Connolly, Paul (introd.); Re: Reading, Re: Writing, Re: Teaching Virginia Woolf. New York, NY: Pace UP; 1995. 322 pp. OWN


àPawlowski, Merry M.; “From the Country of the Colonized: Virginia Woolf on Growing Up Female in Victorian England.”  pp. 95-110 IN: Lashgari, Deirdre (ed.); Violence, Silence, and Anger: Women's Writing as Transgression. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia; 1995.  ILL


Emily Dalgarno . “Ideology into fiction: Virginia Woolf's "A Sketch of the Past."  Novel  27.2 (Wntr 1994): p175(21) xerox


Cousineau, Diane . “Virginia Woolf's 'A Sketch of the Past': Life-Writing, the Body, and the Mirror Gaze.”  A/B: Auto/Biography Studies, 1993 Spring; 8 (1): 51-71. (journal article) xerox


Caramango, Thomas.  The Flight of the Mind: Virginia Woolf’s Art and Manic-Depressive Illness.  Berkeley: U of CA P, 1992.  Chapter 6: “How immense must be the force of life”: The Art of Autobiography and Woolf’s Bipolar Theory of Being”  OWN


Stephanie Paulsell . “Writing and mystical experience in Marguerite d'Oingt and Virginia Woolf..”  Comparative Literature Summer 1992 v44 n3 p249(19) DWNLD


Slade, Carole.  “A  Definition of Mystical Autobiography.”  A/B: Auto/Biography Studies, 1991 Fall; 6 (2): 226-39. (journal article)


McCracken, LuAnn .' “The Synthesis of My Being?': Autobiography and the Reproduction of Identity in Virginia Woolf .”Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 1990 Spring; 9 (1): 59-78. xerox

McCord, Phyllis Frus. “Little Corks That Mark a Sunken Net': Virginia Woolf's 'Sketch of the Past' as a Fictional Memoir.” Modern Language Studies, 1986 Summer; 16 (3): 247-254. xeroxed


Albright, Daniel.  “Virginia Woolf as Autobiographer.”  Kenyon Review 4.4 (1984):    XEROXED


Christopher C. Dahl . “Virginia Woolf's "Moments of Being" and Autobiographical Tradition in the Stephen Family.”  Journal of Modern Literature  Vol. 10, No. 2 (Jun., 1983), pp. 175-196.  XEROX


Avrom Fleishman.  "To Return to St. Ives": Woolf's Autobiographical Writings.” ELH, Vol. 48, No. 3. (Autumn,  ), pp. 606-618. xeroxed



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