Aug 30, 2010
Biblio on Woolf's Early Short Stories
The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf. Ed. Susan Dick.
2nd. Ed. New
York: Harcourt, 1989.
Reynier, Christine. Virginia Woolf's Ethics of the Short Story. Palgrave Macmillan (August 18, 2009)
Reynier, Christine. (ed. and foreword) Special Issue on Virginia Woolf. Journal of the Short Story in English, 2008 Spring; 50:
Benzel, Kathryn N. (ed. and introd.); Hoberman, Ruth (ed. and introd.);
Dick, Susan (foreword) Trespassing Boundaries: Virginia Woolf's Short
Fiction. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan; 2004.
• Skrbic, Nena. Wild Outbursts of Freedom: Reading Virginia Woolf's
Short Fiction Westport, CT: Praeger; 2004. xxiii, 189 pp.
Baldwin, Dean. Virginia Woolf: A Study of the Short Fiction (1989)
ARTICLES and Chapters
Louvel, Liliane, “Telling 'by' Inches: Virginia Woolf's Shorter
Fiction.” Journal of the Short Story in English, 2008 Spring; 50: 185-200.
Prudente, Teresa. “To Slip Easily from One Thing to Another': Experimentalism and Perception in Woolf's Short Stories.” Journal of the Short Story in English, 2008 Spring; 50: 171-183.
Reynier, Christine. “The 'Obstinate Resistance' of Woolf’s Short
Story.” Journal of the Short Story in English, 2008 Spring; 50: 2-5.
Briggs, Julia. ‘Our Press Arrived On Tuesday’: Monday Or Tuesday
(1921).” Chapter 3 of Virginia Woolf: An Inner Life. London:
Penquin[Allen Lane] 2005. 58-83.
Briggs, Julia. “'Cut Deep and Scored Thick with Meaning': Frame and
Focus in Woolf's Later Short Stories.” pp. 175-91 IN: Benzel, Kathryn N. (ed. and introd.); Hoberman, Ruth (ed. and introd.); Dick, Susan (foreword Trespassing Boundaries: Virginia Woolf's Short Fiction. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan; 2004.
Colburn, Krystyna. “The Lesbian Intertext of Woolf's Short Fiction.” pp.
63-80IN: Benzel, Kathryn N. (ed. and introd.); Hoberman, Ruth (ed. and
introd.) Dick, Susan (foreword) Trespassing Boundaries: Virginia Woolf's Short Fiction. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan; 2004
Levy, Michelle. “Virginia Woolf's Shorter Fictional Explorations of the
ExternalWorld: 'Closely United … Immensely Divided'.” pp. 139-55 IN: Benzel,
KathrynN. (ed. and introd.); Hoberman, Ruth (ed. and introd.); Dick, Susan
(foreword) Trespassing Boundaries: Virginia Woolf's Short Fiction. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan; 2004.
Staveley, Alice. “Voicing Virginia: The Monday or Tuesday Years” pp.
262-67 IN: Daugherty, Beth Rigel (ed.); Barrett, Eileen (ed.) Virginia Woolf:
Texts an Contexts. New York: Pace UP; 1996.
Baldwin, Dean. 13-26 in Virginia Woolf: A Study of the Short Fiction
(1989) (R)
Dick, Susan. "Chasms in the Continuity of Our Way: Jacob's
Room." Chapter Two of Virginia Woolf. London & New York: Edward Arnold, 1989.
Gillespie, Diane Filby. The Sisters' Arts: The Writing and
Painting of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell. Syracuse UP, 1988. See especially pp.
118-39. (R)
Davenport, Tony. "The Life of 'Monday or Tuesday."
Virginia Woolf: New Critical Essays, ed. Clements and Grundy. (1983): 157-75.
Meyerowitz, Selma. "What is to Console Us?: The Politics of
Deception in Woolf's Short Stories." 238-52 in New Feminist Essays on
Virginia Woolf, ed. Jane Marcus (1981).
Fleishman, Avrom, "Forms of the Woolfian Short Story."
44-71 in Virginia Woolf: Revaluation and Continuity, ed. Ralph Freeman (1980). (R)
Woodville, Katherine E Color Copy: Woolf's Parody 'The Mark on the Wall' Deconstructs 'The Yellow Wallpaper'.” p.p. 205-209 IN: Wright, Will (ed.
and introd.); Kaplan, Steven (ed. and introd.) The Image of the Outsider II.
Pueblo, CO: Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado
State University-Pueblo; 2008.
Cyr, "A Conflict of Closure in VW's 'Mark'" "A conflict
of closure in Virginia Woolf's 'The Mark on the Wall.'" Studies in Short Fiction, Spring,
Narey, Wayne. ;”Virginia Woolf's 'The Mark on the Wall': An Einsteinian
View of Art.” Studies in Short Fiction, 1992 Winter; 29 (1): 35-42.
Reynier, Christine. "''A Haunted House' or The Genius of To
the Lighthouse." Journal of the Short Story in English 14 (1990): 63-78.
Steele, Elizabeth. "'A Haunted House: VW's Noh Story."
Studies in Short Fiction 26.2 (1989): 151-61.
de Araujo, Victor. "'A Haunted House' -- The Shattered Glass."
(1966) rpt. in Baldwin, pp. 121-129.
Taylor, Oliver. 'What's 'It'-What Do You Mean by 'It'?': Lost Readings
and Getting Lost in 'Kew Gardens': Journal of the Short Story in English,
2008 Spring; 50: 121-135.
Staveley, Alice. Conversations at Kew: Reading Woolf's Feminist Narratology. pp. 39-62 IN: Benzel, Kathryn N. (ed. and introd.); Hoberman, Ruth (ed.
and introd.); Dick, Susan (foreword) Trespassing Boundaries: Virginia
Woolf's Short Fiction. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan; 2004.
McVicker, Jeanette. "Vast Nests of Chinese Boxes, or Getting
from Q to R: Critiquing Empire in 'Kew Gardens' and To the Lighthouse." 40 42 IN
Hussey Mark (ed.); Neverow Turk Vara (ed.). Virginia Woolf Miscellanies:
Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. New York : Pace UP,
Bishop, Edward. "Purusing 'It' through Kew Gardens."
Studies in Short Fiction 19.3 (1982): 269-75.
Oakland, John. "Virginia Woolf's 'Kew Gardens'."
English Studies 68.3 (1987): 264-73.
Benzel, Kathryn N.. Verbal Painting in 'Blue & Green' and 'Monday or Tuesday.”: pp. 157-74 IN: Benzel, Kathryn N. (ed. and introd.);
Hoberman,Ruth (ed. and introd.); Dick, Susan (foreword) Trespassing Boundaries: Virginia Woolf's Short Fiction. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan; 2004.